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Santiago Nguyen
Santiago Nguyen

Angles Of Attack (Frontlines Book 3) Downloads Torrent ^NEW^

On February 18, 1941, exactly one year after he met Tyranowski, Karol sufferedpossibly his greatest loss--the death of his father. Unlike his calm demeanorand stoic submission to God's will following the deaths of his mother andbrother, the loss of his father provoked a torrent of tears and visible pain.He lamented bitterly that he had not been present when his father died. Hisfriend, Maria Kydrynska, was with Karol when they returned home to discoverthat Karol Wojtyla Sr. had died of a heart attack in bed. She described thescene vividly to Tad Szulc before she died a few years ago: "Karol, weeping,embraced me. He said through his tears, 'I was not present when my mother died,nor when my brother died.'" The apartment was too painful to stay in alone, sohe moved in with the Kydrynskas. Years later, John Paul II told the writerAndre Frossard: "I never felt so alone." His friend Father Malinski observedhim going to the cemetery every day to pray at his father's grave and said tous, "Karol was so distraught that I was truly worried about him."

Angles of Attack (Frontlines Book 3) downloads torrent




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